There's a pic Adam, you can buy lights for the top for $20each by memory, but I didn't like the cords coming out the back of them.. the cords are cream/white but still, im looking for a nicer solution for lighting.. battery operated would be nice, as the visibility of the cord takes away from the display in my opinion.
Thanks Bill! Yeah I love them, already have one set up. I store my video game memorabilia in them however, some of you may know I collect Nintendo items
I just bought one for my card PC, the rest for my memorabilia collection.
Here is a pic of the one already set up, sorry if its a bit dodgy, I couldn't get a nice picture..
Not sure if anyone is into this stuff at all, but I suppose we're all collectors so you may appreciate it
+1 for the Nintendo stuff!!! I've got a small collection of Final Fantasy Figurines which I should photo up one day.
Great cabinet too, well done!
I bet postage would be a bitch coming to Tassie might have to source another option I think.
I dont reallt collect nintnedo figures, but I collect their games and consoles lol. Just no room for toys. If I was a millionare id dedicate a room to retro gaming haha. Even Wii, somhow got over 100 games NFI why or how lol.
haha i love video game collections! I collect sealed N64 VGA graded games.
You should definitely post some pictures, I'd love to see what rare stuff you've got!