Detroit Pistons Season Tip-Off Tour in Toledo 9/18/08


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Went down to Toledo yesterday to catch the Pistons at their last stop on a 6 stop tour that ended up taking them all over the state of Michigan and now down to Toledo. My friend up in Traverse City was able to make it when they stopped up there the night before I went to event down in Toledo. The lineup that was up in the TC stop had Dave Cowens, Darrell Walker, Arron Affalo, and Rodney Stuckey as coach Michael Curry could not make the 1st part of the tour due to a family emergency over the weekend as reported on the local news up in Traverse City. I was skeptical about heading out to this event that went on down in Toledo, but after talking to my friend up in Traverse City the night before, I was convinced to give it a try.

The event in Toledo was set up just as my friend described it up in TC but the differences on this stop were that it had more people at the event, and the lineup had Michael Curry, Greg Kelser, Arron Affalo, and Rodney Stuckey as I guessed from what I heard they switched things up in Flint before heading down to the last stop on the tour. Alright here are the results of how I did in Toledo:

Pistons Season Tip-Off Tour in Toledo 9/18/08


Arron Afflalo 5/7 cards (Could of easily probably gotten them all done but I decided to cut it off after I saw that I was holding up the line. No one told me I was but I noticed that they were probably going to tell me anyways and plus I will probably see him again during the upcoming NBA season.)
Michael Curry 1 8x10 pic handout, and a pic (I wish I had cards for him to do but I am out of stuff for him as he signed it all for me last season lol.)
Rodney Stuckey 1 8x10 pic handout but wait....(After I got my Afflalo's done, Rodney was getting ready to sign the handout pic for me and when I showed him my cards here is how this conversation went:

Rodney: "I can't do those now kid. If you could go around in the line and hop in the back of the line again, I will get them after I get all of these people."

Me: "Are you sure you won't forget as there are alot of people here?"

Rodney: "Yeah I will remember you just stay around and I will do it after I get everyone else here."

So I proceeded to do what Rodney told me and when I went to the back of the line, they had someone guarding it there and after telling him what Rodney said to me, he wouldn't let me back in the line but I stayed right behind him and then 2 minutes later, some handler/security guy went up to the person guarding the back of the line and mentioned to him something on their radio/pager that I can get back in the line so I was able to and one other person did to and then no one else was allowed to for the rest of the event. After when the line got real short, here is how it went the 2nd time around:

Rodney Stuckey 8 cards, and a pic!!! (I was the last one to get him and he was so cool about signing the cards for me!!! After I got my pic with him he proceeded to get right on the bus and ended up waving at me after as he walked on to the bus. He has to be one of the nicest players in the NBA that I have met!!!)

Alright that is all I got to share result wise from my day in Toledo.

This Pistons Season Tip-Off event is probably one of the best Pistons events I have ever been to. There was a DJ there blasting rap music which is music that I can stand hearing lol, and they were giving out stuff from left to right. I ended up getting a Billups t-shirt, a Pistons t-shirt tossed into the crowd, 2 Pistons friendship braclets, and a few Pistons magnet schedules. It was real hard to come to this event and not be able to get a giveaway item being tossed into the crowd.

Despite the DJ yelling over the loud speakers one per person, the players were more then willing to do multiples as long as you were patient and not so aggressive. This is close to exactly what my friend experienced on the Traverse City stop and was one of the last ones to get Rodney Stuckey as he was leaving. I would like to thank my friend up in Traverse City for convincing me to go to the event in Toledo.

Alright I can share scans/pics but I won't be able to until next week as I got these pics on a disposable camera and I want to use them all up before I get them developed.

That is all I have to share here for today. Thanks alot for looking!!!
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