Where do you come up with this crap!!!!
Whether a card is redemmed or unredeemed has no relevance to its value!!! ( UNLESS THE CARD IS NO LONGER REDEEMABLE)
A redemmed card that has a low number or important number may be worth a little more, but thats got nothing to do with the fact that its been redeemed or not, and that making it worth more!! INFACT more than likely, people will pay more for an unredeemed card then a redeemed card!! They know that the card to be redeemed will be mint, and may be able to get a number they chase... Or need it unredeemed for a set etc
I personally would pay a little more for a redeemed card (as long as it is in good cond) because I don't then have to go through the process of redeeming it!
No offence but your opening sentance is a little un-called for, if you disafree you disagree mate, not need to be so agressive with comments like "Where do you come up with this crap!!!!" and "I am sure GMB stands for Great Mountion of Bull****"
VERY uncalled for IMHO.
Immsy - ebay is definitely the best way to go as there seems to be a regular flood of these on there at the moment.