Dear Panini - 2018 update

notable points suggested in 2009 -

- One more thing I forgot to add, was I think I speak for most people on this site when I say we feel the same way about manufactured patches as we do with sticker autos. They should be a big no no.

What the heck are manufactured patches? I thought all patches were either game warn or player warn at some stage...
What the heck are manufactured patches? I thought all patches were either game warn or player warn at some stage...

Topps did it for Letterman and I guess it's ok as a novelty, some people might be into it, but we don't want these around flooding the market. Kind of doesn't bring you closer to the game does it? lol

2007-08 Topps Letterman - Jersey Number Patches #JNP-KG - Kevin Garnett /9
Courtesy of

2007-08 Topps Letterman - Jersey Number Patches #JNP-KG - Kevin Garnett /9
Courtesy of
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