Cp3 Ex PAtch 3 clr

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not trying to be a smartass but if something like this sells for $32au i think $40 is a little high mate. Nice card and patch, could just be me thinking this way....not sure...lol

2007-08 UD Ultimate Chris Paul DUAL Patch 17/25 AMAZING - eBay Singles 2000-Now, Basketball-NBA, Cards, Sports Mem, Cards Fan Shop. (end time 23-Feb-09 13:44:15 AEDST)

With shipping it is $55 AUS also it does say or Negotiable if someone really wants it they can make an offer.

If someone might offer $25 - $30 i might take it :lol:

Here is what i compared it to the closet i found


Close to $70
Hi, i am slowly putting together the Ex clearly authentics, RC autos, Credentials and Clearly authentic patches like Your beaut Chris Paul !
PCMB if you want to trade it
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