Hey Guys, been slow going on the cards lately mainly due to gettin my car insurance bill in the other day it also doesnt help being under 25 with how many stupid drivers have accidents around my age forcing my price up Anyway got a couple in so here they are:
2006-07 SP Game Used SIGnificance #MD Marquis Daniels 028/100
Thanks to Matt (Shawn Bradley Fan) for getting this one for me
2005-06 Finest Refractors Black #16 Marquis Daniels 19/19
Which takes the rainbow closer to being completed...apart from the 8 1/1 superfractors
I've also just bought the Gold Refractor /39 so thats incoming aswell
Anyway thats about it for now...nearly tax time so hopefully buy a few more big ones within the next month or two
Also i've rejigged my website a little bit more added a couple little things, let me know what you think and anything else I could add to it. Mainly just added a top 10 cards list, a little bit to the biography n rejigged the memorabilia and a few pics, let me know what you think.