Commons - How do we sort them?


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Interested to see how you all sort out your common cards.

I usually put them aside as I open my boxes, then once I've opened all the boxes, I sort them into teams, then after that sort them into numbers (for that team), then sort them into complete sets.

Seems the easiest way to do, but would love to see everyone else's ways.

I in fact do sort them, usually I don't open more than one box at a time, so after opening I'll sort them into teams, then into numerical order.

On a similar note, I've got tons of commons lying around. Would you guys recommend:

1) Sorting and storing and putting up for sale/trade individually
2) Selling as a bulk lot
3) Just give away/chuck as won't be able to sell?
I pop em in random orders in the album(I usually get the album 1st thing) then once the albums full, I sort em into numbers
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