Common and inserts wanted/2014 power play commons added


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Hi,Below is a list of cards that I am after,I have some cards to trade,but also happy to buy,thanks for looking,cheers Brett
Nzraiders Wants List.
Common Cards Needed.
2003 telegraph-43
2009 Telegraph-26,196
2012 Telegraph-35
2013 Powerplay - 194

1997 Super League
- 4 Raiders Gatefold card

2006 Tazo's
-3D's - 17 Clinton Schifocfske

2007 Tazo's
- 5,7,8,9

2009 Tazo's
- 9,10,11,12

2011 Tazo's
- 36

2013Tazo's Sunblest
-5 and 5 error,6,35 error

2013 Powerplay
- Glow in dark - M3
- Tags - T3

2014 Close the gap 4 card set

2014 Elite
- World Cup Parallel - WCHP17
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I have
2008 telegraph #214
2009 telegraph 27/28/32/34/35/36/214/230/232
2011 Strike-33
2011 Telegraph-25,,225

2014 Elite - Parallel - 19,27

Send me a Pm if still needed
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Hi Dave,Yeah still need most,don't need 2014 traders commons,and power plays,and only need 25 and 225 from 2011 telegraph,but will take rest if you send details,thanks Brett
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Brett, I've had these cards plus others that you must now have, put aside for a couple of weeks, thinking that I'd sent you a message, but obviously I didn't send.

I've got - 2005 tradition 27 / 2009 Champs JDC 29, 33, 34, 35, 38 / 2011 Champs comms 34, 37 / 2011 Champs parallel SP33 / 2014 power play 27, 28, 35 / 2014 traders silver parallel 28, 29 & Galactic Star GS3 (Campese)
Tazos - 2013 tip top (NZ) 38 Shillington/Dugan / 2010 swapz 35 Shillington (in packet) / 2008 - 24, 43 / 2007 - 6
If you're interested, I'd prefer to trade, cheers Ken
Hi Ken,No problem sorry got no message,but still need most of them,happy to buy or trade if I have something you may want,thanks Brett
Sorry ken no list but singles from 1975 and some inserts from 95 onwards,also a few IP doubles.Letme know if you are looking for something and I will see if I have,thanks Brett
I need heaps, but for my Dragons PC I need -
2010 JDC 138 (Costigan)
2012 Gold GC 133, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141
2004 Future Force Dragons (Creagh?)
2006 FF Dragons (Young?)
2013 fast & furious Gold - Dragons
2014 traders RTS 25 Morris / Retirement Matt Cooper
2014 Elite Gold Parallel 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117 / also need Titans Gold & WCH 16 (Myles)

Interested in any Dragons IP or Titans as well

Anything Dragons pre 1980
1980 - 5, 7, 9, 11
1981- 100, 101, 108
1986 - 98, 99, 100, 101, 108, 109, 112??
Hi,Below is a list of cards that I am after,I have some cards to trade,but also happy to buy,thanks for looking,cheers Brett
Nzraiders Wants List.
Common Cards Needed.
1994 Series Two-16,19,121,145,151,160,169
1994 Masters-15
1995 Tribute-83
2003 telegraph-43
2003 XL-35,38
2005 Traditon-27
2006 Invincible-37
2009 Telegraph-25,26,29,30,31,33,196
2011 Champions-34,37
2011 Strike-40
2012 Telegraph-35
2013 Powerplay - 194
2014 Powerplay - 30 Edwards,31 Fenson

Inserts/parallel cards needed.
1994 Dynamic Series Two Supporters Choice Signature -SC3 Mal Meninga
1996 Dynamic Signature Gold - Master Cell Wave - Laurie Daley
1997 Super League - 4 Raiders Gatefold card
2004 Authentic-Captain Signature - CS3 Simon Woolford
2005 Tradition Parallel - 21,24
- Club Heroes - CH3 Jason Croker
2006 Accolade - Footy Faces - 22,23,28,29,30.
- Hot Property - HP3 Todd Carney
2006 Invincible - All star - AS3 Clinton Schifcofske
-Legend Die cut - LDC12 Brad Clyde
-Tribute Signature - TS1 Laurie Daley
2006 Tazo's-3D's - 17 Clinton Schifocfske
2007 Champions - Holo Foil - 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38
-Sketch cards - SK5 Phil Graham
-SK6 Todd Carney
- Gem Card - G3 Michael Weyman
-Gem Card - G8 Andrew Johns
2007 Tazo's - 5,6,7,8,9
2008 Centenary - Team of the Century foil Signature - TCF4 Mal Meninga
2008 Champions - Foil Signature - 9 Lincoln Withers
-Sketch Card - 6 William Zillman
2008 Tazo's - 24,43
2009 Champions - Parallel - 28,29,30,32,33,34,35,37,38,39
- Superstar gem - MG3 Lincoln Withers
- Foil Signature - FS9 Adrian Purtell
2009 Retro - 6 Terry Campesse,7 Alan Tongue
2009 Tazo's - 9,10,11,12
2010 Champions - Parallel - 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
- Impact Signature - 9,10,11,12
- Gem Sensations - 5,6
- Superstar Gem - SM3 Bronson Harrison
2010 Tazo's - 11,12,13,14,15
2011 Champions - Parallel -29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40
- Rookies 11,12,13
- Rookie Sensation - RS3 Fenson
2011 Strike - Award Winners - 1 Hayne,10 Slatter
2011 One Community Card Set
2011 Tazo's - 33,34,35,36
2012 Champions - Show time Holochrome - ST3 Raiders
2012 Dynasty - League Leader - Gold 2 Campese
- Black 2 Campese
2013 Traders - Parallel - 27,33,36
2013 One Community Card Set
2013Tazo's Sunblest-5 and 5 error,6,35 error
2013 Tazo's Tiptop - 38
2013 Powerplay - Glow in dark - M3
- Superstar - S3
- Tags - T3
2013 Elite - Parallel - 21,22,27
- Fast and Furious Gold - FF3 Raiders
2014 Traders - Parallel -28,29
- Special Parallel - 25
- Retirement - R2,R7
- Close the gap - IND3 Robinson
-Album Galactic Star - 3 Campese
2014 Power play - Full common set and album and M3,BK3,W3
2014 Elite
- Special Parallel - 19,20,22,23,24,25,26,27
- World Cup - WCH17
- World Cup Parallel - WCHP17
got 1994 Series 2 numbers 19 121 145 151 160 169

2014 Power Play number 31

2006Invincible number 37

if required?

I am sure I will have a heap of Raiders spares from down the years back to 1990 maybe
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