Mine got emailed to me overnight.
Yeah, I received mine last night.
It's pretty cool that they take photos, I hope they keep this service.
Mine got emailed to me overnight.
Hey guys,
Hopefully someone can explain this too me.
I found out about this service through the COMC website. I read the site and I thought great.
So , I went ahead and made 3 purchases. 1 single card, a lot of 15 cards and a lot of 49cards.
I don't remember reading anywhere on the comc website about $.50 per card or the cards not being eligible for the flat rate shipping.
So from what I have read here, I will now be paying almost another $35 just to process the cards, then I can only assume a ridiculous amount to ship the card???
Is this right?
Hey, all. Jeremy from COMC here. We're really exited about the new Mailbox service and folks are finding even more ways to use it than we originally guessed. We've hardly announced it and we've had over two dozen users jump on it already which is really encouraging. I wanted to poke my head in here to answer any questions or give any clarifications I could if that would be helpful.
A couple things: the mailbox is great but unfortunately isn't "too good to be true" - our $3 flat-rate shipping is exclusively for items purchased on COMC.com and so Mailbox items aren't eligible. We will let you pay for shipping with store credit and we're still figuring out how to declare values for insurance and duties (so suggestions are welcome - a user suggestion is what led to the creation of this service!) We want this to be a great tool for everyone so we're eager to hear your ideas and feedback on how you'd like to use it.
Currently the service works like this: 1) we receive a package - from anyone - addressed to your COMC username's Mailbox; 2) we open the package (on camera) and take photos of the contents and send the pics to you for confirmation; 3) you decide if you want us to start processing those cards into your COMC account right away ($0.50/item, $5 minimum) or if you want us to ship the items to you at normal shipping rates. You have one month to decide / wait for more packages to arrive in your Mailbox. After a month, we automatically move ahead with processing whatever is in your mailbox - however many items we've received in that month will get processed all together for $0.50 each and will be up in your account a week later.
So if you have several auctions you've won that you would like shipped in one package all together, you can wait a week or two for everything to arrive to your COMC Mailbox and then let us know to mail it to you. If you process items into your COMC account you can keep them there indefinitely with no storage fee if the items aren't for sale and/or are for sale for $0.75 or less.
Thanks very much,
Jeremy, COMC
whoah nellie! So if I read that blogpost right (thanks mods!) instead of doing what I'm doing at the moment,
which is accrue 20 parcels at borderlinx, and then have them sent out at a cost of about $90-100,
I can send 20 (or more) to COMC , tell them to only open them monthly at a cost of .50 per package ($10),
then ship all of them to me for their normal shipping fees of $3? Thats a huuuge saving if so!
Two things for Jeremy
1. Im buying a lot of redemptions at the moment, unfortunately with the photos you guys provide i cant actually see if its the correct one or not.
2. I have just be informed that a package has arrived consisting of 11 items, 1 being the redemption i purchased and 10 being "free" baseball base cards, that i didnt ask for and dont want.
Where do i stand on the second point? and is it possible to get a close up picture of redemptions?
Comc: mattyh83
Sorry, I should have been clearer.
I will have 3 packages arrive at my comc mailbox. For a total of approximately 70 cards.
Do I pay $0.50 per package received or $0.50 per card in the packages?
Thank you
Hi, Scaura. Since we started handing more things than just trading cards we've started using the word "item" instead of "card",
Does this mean I can get stuff other than cards sent? like signed mini helmets, magazines and supplies? and only pay 50c per item?
This would be brilliant but just need this confirmed before I start bidding away
How about hobby boxes, cost prohibitive I presume based on the per card rate?
And their won't be a problem with the discrepancy between your ebay primary address and your paypal address?