Go Les; still going stong after all these years. Hope you are well and helping all the collectors that see you at these shows!The next collectables fair will be on 30 May 2021.
There will be a collectables fair on 28 March 2021 at
Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre
30 Herbert Street
Cambridge Park, NSW 2747
Check out the website for more information
I will be there selling cards, mainly the older variety. Not sure what other card dealers will be there.
niiiiiiiice!Will be attending this again! Last one was run very well and isn't just cards but has alot of other collectables so makes it fun for the partners and kids
Will have cards and some collectables here
Not that I know off.Last show you could pay at the door.Do you need to purchase tickets prior to Collector Con?
I was just reading the website and they say they recommend you pre purchase tickets to avoid disappointment. There are 2 time slots,9.00 and 11.30.And 2 different prices for attendance. Might have second thoughts about going now.Not that I know off.Last show you could pay at the door.