Chad edition?

I think you'se are missing the main point here people. WHAT happened to the other side of the jersey??????????

G-man have you been cutting corners and using the dodgy wand tool [-X [-X

How much did Chad have to pay to get a whole site dedicated to him? :lol:

I vote Dwight Howard as the face of OzCards for November. ;)

Or if you guys are sick of blue already, then let's have a Chicago Bulls theme!
So I see the Chad pic didn't even last as long as his temporary contract with the South Dragons. (chad mutters something about like, for a guy who's nickname is hammer, he sure has a lot of knives!!!)

I got sick of his seeing his mug first thing after breakfast. But I tell you, would be a great weight loss program.

Eat breakfast
See picture of Chad

Ever wonder how your wife keeps such a trim figure????? She rolls over in the morn and goes.."uuhhhgg"

Did you even notice the influx of new members that weekend. Pure brilliance in marketing terms and you owe ME for use of my image ;-)
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