Card Supplies New prices and rates 6/2008

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hey steve
your total for the order as shown would be $32.80 us funds including delivery
you could 5 more holders and they will fit, and just add the cost of the those 5 holders, s&h stays the same ($14)
let us know
Hi Colin do you have these boxes of semi-rigids, and are these the ones normally used for card grading submissions? Cheers Liam :thumbsup:

The ones you've got the pic of there are the tallboy semi rigids. But yes, he has both the Cardboard Gold cardsaver 1's and the tallboy versions, and he just ordered me 800 Ultra Pro semi rigids which are the same as the card saver 1's for grading purposes and are on their way. So regardless of if you want the regular ones or the tallboy one, yes Colin can get them :thumbsup::thumbsup:

hi liam
graham is correct, we havebeen stocking the cardboard gold brand of card savers.
but they have been raising there prices so its about a wash to buy either ultra pro or cardboard gold,
here is the breakdown
cs 1 is the large over sized ones for regular cards perfect for grading submission
cs 2 is the standard card size
cs 3 is the tall boy basketball size
cs 4 is the 4x6 size
cs 5 is the ticket or currency size

the best shipping option is the way graham did it, the flat rate box holds 900 of the card saver 1 size.

let us know if we can help
I am after the same ones graham got, please pm for a box of these please and the standard rate is $14usd, correct?

I think Colin can fit around 2 packs of these in a standard international mailer. So it's $14 plus 2 x the Ultra Pro semi rigid pack prices. Colin can let you know what that is - it may be slightly more than the CardSaver1 price (as most Ultra Pro products are more expensive than Cardboard Gold)
Hi can I still order some supplies at the prices on the front of the thread if there is a change please let me know.
ok i would like 5 but these are the really thick ones right ?n do logomans fit on these?

5 of the pc16 including s&h would be $22

im not sure if the cards your talking about fit in the 120pt, that might be a question to ask your fellow collectors what they use for those cards,

i think it may be the 130pt magnetic holders they use for letterman cards and exquisite

or you can lay the card on a table, stack up some dimes next to it and let me know how many dimes thick the card is and i can check that way

let me know
how much for 75pt and 130pt top loaders?

the 75pt toploaders are 25 per pack and are $3.50
the 130pt toploaders are 5 per pack and are $1.50
us dollars plus s&h


---------- Post added 19-02-2010 at 02:00 PM ----------

Yes the logomans are the same size as the exquisite cards so how much would the 130pc would be

for 5 of the 130pt magnetic holders with s&h would be $13
in the usa
let us know
im after some 130pt maganetic cases probably about 5 of them, and also after some of the acrylic card case stands. PLMK a price on these aswell as shipping to Aus?
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