Card Show Dates

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Well unless there is a better venue with all options weighed up i think we'll be back there for the December Christmas bonanza!
Just a friendly reminder its on this coming Sunday 18 November 2007 9am-3pm. Hope to see you all down there:
I was thinking the same thing, come on spill the beans ;)

There was only a few that turned up. Maybe I didnt see the other ones because we got there around 1:00pm :D

I met Jordan_23. He bought a lot of MJ and Hill cards from me. Thanks Mate! I met Sonny and I traded a 3D set of Harry Potter for the a set of The Charmed Ones which are for my Daughter :thumbsup: thanks Sonny!

As mentioned to you last month, I am keen on breaking a box and here's the Break Thread... I got the 03-04 Reflection Box from Gary (Westriot) which I have pulled a Darko Rookie Auto #/25... Sweet Card. Thanks again mate!

I also met Brian Lee and PostGL....

I'll try to come in much earlier next time around....

There was only a few that turned up. Maybe I didnt see the other ones because we got there around 1:00pm :D

I met Jordan_23. He bought a lot of MJ and Hill cards from me. Thanks Mate! I met Sonny and I traded a 3D set of Harry Potter for the a set of The Charmed Ones which are for my Daughter :thumbsup: thanks Sonny!

As mentioned to you last month, I am keen on breaking a box and here's the Break Thread... I got the 03-04 Reflection Box from Gary (Westriot) which I have pulled a Darko Rookie Auto #/25... Sweet Card. Thanks again mate!

I also met Brian Lee and PostGL....

I'll try to come in much earlier next time around....


Thx for the recap Alf :D

Lets make the December one a big occasion!
There was only a few that turned up. Maybe I didnt see the other ones because we got there around 1:00pm :D

I met Jordan_23. He bought a lot of MJ and Hill cards from me. Thanks Mate! I met Sonny and I traded a 3D set of Harry Potter for the a set of The Charmed Ones which are for my Daughter :thumbsup: thanks Sonny!


Cheer mate, it's truely a pleasure to buy your Jordan's.I had a awesome day as well, seeing that many Jordan cards really made my day alone:p:p.Thks once again guys and see you all next fair.:v::v::v::v:
Its on the 9th December 2007 between 9am and 3pm at the Bat and Ball Hotel in Surry Hills.
Bat and Ball Hotel
Sunday 9 December 2007 9am-3pm
495 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
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