If you ever intend to sell the cards you get graded, you won't likely get much for them internationally. So I'd say only grade cards you will keep yourself, or ones that you would sell locally. As someone mentioned, people won't know or trust these and they'd likely sell for less than raw ones.
If you ever intend to sell the cards you get graded, you won't likely get much for them internationally. So I'd say only grade cards you will keep yourself, or ones that you would sell locally. As someone mentioned, people won't know or trust these and they'd likely sell for less than raw ones.
That's a fair comment....I think that they will develop a good reputation here in Australia....and really that suits us...I have seen many PSA graded 1968 scanlens...but I think that being graded and sold here would improve their value....
They look like a great service, my only concern is re-sale value outside australia. From what I've seen so far tho they seem to hand out fairly high grades quite easily, but maybe I'm wrong?
I emailed Craig about sending his some graded Beckett and PSA cards and here is what he said
Hi Matt,
Thanks for helping to spread the word, we still expect it to take a number of years.
As for how we stack up against american graders, the answer lies with collectors who use grading services, ultimately they will decide. The scores are similar if you multiply the american ones by 10. Their 9 would equate to our 90. In my opinion we are taking grading further by offering written reports which none of the americans offer and our system offers more detailed grading and better consistency.
In regards to grading some pre graded cards, yes we already have. My partner gave me a dozen graded cards, removed from holders, so I had no idea of the gradings. They were a mix of vintage and modern, sport and non sport and the idea was to test our system. We did this before we started the business and the results were very comparable. We also recently graded some pre graded american cards and again the results were comparable.
Feel free to send a pre graded card taken out of its holder anytime. It would be better for everyone if you don't mention it to us when you do, so you can check for yourself.
If you have any other questions please let me know.
I think it is good that we have our own in Australia.
I think you would be better off only grading aussie cards with them though. Also they need to provide a population report so you know the scarity of each grade.
I think it is good that we have our own in Australia.
I think you would be better off only grading aussie cards with them though. Also they need to provide a population report so you know the scarity of each grade.
I would think that you should get two lower end becket's and PSA graded cards and test it. I would say somewhere between 5-7 grades would get you a better result as if they come back 90 or better, then you know the truth on how people grade.
A 9.5 becket's is going to be a 9.5 with anyone, but bumping a becket's 6.5 up to a 90 or better with the aussie company gives you better results in your testing.
I am looking forward to seeing the results and most likely going to send some of my own cards to test it.