British singer Amy Winehouse found dead

Cheers Matt,

Im a moderator on the Titans forum and know first hand there can be some anxt when it comes to these sort of topics and them getting out of line.
Cheers Matt,

Im a moderator on the Titans forum and know first hand there can be some anxt when it comes to these sort of topics and them getting out of line.

Agreed, when its a mature debate then its easy to let it run. When it starts to deteriorate, then its time to take some action!

So far this thread is an example of a mature debate.

I definitely don't take it as an attack Dee, I love a good debate myself :D Not that I'm in the arguing mood today :lol:

I was 15 when I first smoked pot, the only thing that I remembered from drug ed was about tobacco, not weed. I wasn't pressured into it either, my friend smoked it and I was curious so I arranged to try it with him one weekend, was just the two of us. Peer pressure itself has never been an issue for me.
I was aware it was illegal but at the age of 15 I didn't have the respect or the understanding of our laws as I do now. I also didn't have a very good perspective of future and didn't have much foresight.

Which doesn't mean I am against people smoking weed in their own time, as far as I'm concerned there are a lot worse things people could be doing with their time.
The way I see things, if your not hurting or putting others in harms way then your entitled to do what ever you like with your life.

:D I also don't drink to get drunk very often either, the last time I did about 9 months ago it ended like this...


I knocked my glass of red off the table and straight down the front of me :lol:
Íf thats the worst you've done drunk then you will be fine. LOL

Thanks for the honesty mate.

I guess with proper education people will still try to satisfy their curiosity. My brother was one of the curious ones also and there was a noticable change in his temperament and attitude when he became more dependant. Lets just say, I didn't like the person he had become and feared it would lead him into needing something more. I hated him for letting himself become what he was. I did fear a phone call telling me the worst. But he managed to turn himself around before it got really out of hand.

I watched a vibrant young athletic kid turn into something I just didn't understand. Hence my zero tolerance.

If I can get through to one person on this forum, that Amy Winehouse could be you, by simply thinking one joint won't hurt me, then Im happy. I bet Amy thought her first joint was heaps of fun at the time. I bet when she put the last needle in her arm, it wasn't so funny anymore.

Im off to bed guys
Check you later
Being a drug user is no different then drinking, smoking, over eating, hitting your children, abusing people mentally or physically, or anything else that might effect yourself and others. Its personal to which you find more offensive and I can relate to that.

This being said, life loss under any conditions is a tragic event. Yes, I do believe that the mass murders of the world need more people talking about it as its just wrong and the victims were never going to defend themselves.

However in this case of Amy's passing, there are people who wish the best for people and want them to get their act together in the same regard you might want a friend to lose weight or to stop smoking. I am not a fan of hers, she had a soulful voice that many liked, and being a music fan, I saw where she had an effect on others. In this regard, I am a fan as I know how music effects my life and where it effects my mood and my abilities to cope with life.

Its a sad passing, just like any.
Yes she was drug addict and yes she chose not to get help when help was available but as much as some of us (and that includes me) have no time for drug addicts she was someones daughter and if we should have any sympathy it should be for her parents.

She was also a very talented singer and to lose someone of that talent is a tragedy no matter what they did with their personal life
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