eX Box 2
Clearly Authentics Auto - Luke Ridnour - HAVE IT
Rookie Auto - Daniel Gibson - 818/899 - Nice but HAVE IT
Alearly Authentics Patch - Kwame Brown - 3 Colours - 72/75 - NEED IT!
eX Box 3
BTN - Tyson Chandler - 164/199 HAVE IT
Rookie Auto - Craig Smith - 892/899 - HAVE IT
Essential Credential - Rookie Auto - Tyrus Thomas - 15/78 NEED IT!
Box 4
NICE! - Clearly Authentic Auto - Steve Nash - HAVE IT, but it is Short Printed and a great player.
Rookie Auto - Cedric Simmons - 186/399 - HAVE IT
Clearly Authentic Patch - Ron Artest - 3 Colour - 15/75 - NEED IT!!