love it

What should my Borderlinx address look like in Ebay, I bought a card and the guy is saying the address is invalid?
Well i just jumped on this bandwagon just signed up to borderlinx and got a US Ebay account was way to easy!!!This is gonna hurt the bank account!!LOL, good thing im a stay at home dad!!!
My first lot of cards are now on the way from the US, Borderlinx is easy to use, hopefully it gets here all good, so i can start to purchase more :)
I just signed up as I want to get a piar of cheap huaraches from finish line or the Nike store who dont ship here.
How do you go about paying via debit/credit card with billing address as I dont want Borderlinx getting my credit card details and Nike store wont let you use paypal as it comes up with Australia account? and plus your billing address wont match up with your credit card companys info.


Edit All good my clothes site that sells Nike but wont ship it international let me use borderlinx address and my australian billing address got a nice hightop version for $91US + whatever borderlinx charges for shoes

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