Hey guys just joined to see if there is any nice pc cards i can pickup, anyone on there that can give some advice or add as contacts please, im a tad scared being a newbie cheers Bill also my name is wasportsfan1 and i have done a intro thread!
BO is nice when u post something it will have a reply in seconds lol but hobbykings is still the place to go. if u want to avoid scams and everything. full of recognized and white collar people there. the only reason it became like a desert town is because members there only post highend cards on marketplace and hobbytalk. how can someone post a mailday worth $50 and gets no reply whereabout a mailday worth $25k gets a ton of appreciation. heck when i post there i collate all maildays from months and months before posting. because a jordan au ONLY mailday doesnt seek much love attention there.
BO is nice when u post something it will have a reply in seconds lol but hobbykings is still the place to go. if u want to avoid scams and everything. full of recognized and white collar people there. the only reason it became like a desert town is because members there only post highend cards on marketplace and hobbytalk. how can someone post a mailday worth $50 and gets no reply whereabout a mailday worth $25k gets a ton of appreciation. heck when i post there i collate all maildays from months and months before posting. because a jordan au ONLY mailday doesnt seek much love attention there.
Then why say it? There are several people from this site on there, are they "elitest douchbags"?
Blowout has a lot of activity, especially in the hobby talk section (I'm on it basically all day), just that there isn't an official transaction thread/area, so be careful if buying and never pay as gift.
I have been on there for a couple of years. Only done 24 trades on there and never had any trouble. This includes 5 x $300+ sales. You will learn quickly who you can trust and deal with without any trouble.
I find there are way more lowballers on there though than any other forum. Also if you have an opinion thats not mainstream expect to be shot down and criticized heavily. A lot of self important wankers on there. However that is the case with most forums........... except for this one of course
I better not go to HK then. I scared all the elitist w****er's off of becket just by speaking my mind. never got into trouble from the mods for doing that. hmm....
Pretty good - now. In the past there were d***heads who were absolute elitist and would totally deride anyone who dared post a low-end mail-day or box break. Until I stepped in and put them in their place. Site changes format, they disappeared. Happened again, I spoke up again, site changed format to what it is now, they disappeared again. And never once did the mods tell me to cool my jets. I guess some appreciate my typical western sydney honesty. lol
Either that or the elist w***s are to scared to speak up.
Then why say it? There are several people from this site on there, are they "elitest douchbags"?
Blowout has a lot of activity, especially in the hobby talk section (I'm on it basically all day), just that there isn't an official transaction thread/area, so be careful if buying and never pay as gift.