BO is nice when u post something it will have a reply in seconds lol but hobbykings is still the place to go. if u want to avoid scams and everything. full of recognized and white collar people there. the only reason it became like a desert town is because members there only post highend cards on marketplace and hobbytalk. how can someone post a mailday worth $50 and gets no reply whereabout a mailday worth $25k gets a ton of appreciation. heck when i post there i collate all maildays from months and months before posting. because a jordan au ONLY mailday doesnt seek much love attention there.
That's because HK is full of elitest douchbags, worst forum on the Internet
LOL why say that? any bad experience on HK?
Just from the 99% of threads I see on there. Never had anything happen to me personally
Then why say it? There are several people from this site on there, are they "elitest douchbags"?
Blowout has a lot of activity, especially in the hobby talk section (I'm on it basically all day), just that there isn't an official transaction thread/area, so be careful if buying and never pay as gift.
im only on this forum, may have to start looking around a little more