Being logged out after 5 minutes


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Hey guys is there a setting that keeps me logged in till i decide to log out?
It's getting annoying, if i leave OCT sitting there without browsing for 5 minutes to watch say a youtube clip or writing a long winded reply to a thread i'll try and post and i'll logged out?

Its only been doing it since the site upgrade a few months back.

Yeh, really P***es me off, i type a thread then it all goes away!! :mad: and when you leave it for 5 mins, all the unread threads you have get makred as read!
My net at work is really annoying, I can log in, do something, and it tells me to log in again (within a minute or two). However whenever I click the 'Remember Me' by the login it tends to leave me in there. Try that
I don't want to have to tick the "keep me logged in" box every time i come on the site though. I never used to have this issue so surely there is something that was changed when the site was re-done.
I have to check the box as well. But once you do that its fine. Not sure that the G man is going to put in hours of work so we don't have to go to all the effort of checking the box :lol:
The site registers a cookie which leaves you logged in for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of inactivity the cookie expires and will log you out. If you want to extend this, you will need to tick the remember me box and it will extend your login indefinately and will only expire when you choose to manually logout.

I have this box ticked and it NEVER logs me out - I close down my browser, shut down the computer and tomorrow i'll come back and i'm logged in still.

That's the only way around it if you plan to be hanging around for a few hours - just tick the box. If you don't want someone using your account when you aren't around, just remember to hit "log out" when you leave.

If anyone is ticking the remember me box and it is still happening, then please let me know and i'll take a look into it.
Just realised, the previous version of the software forum I had set the remember me box to be ticked by default. I just checked and I hadn't checked this box by default when I upgraded the forum. I've just made the modification and it is now ticked by default so you shouldn't have any more issues :)
If you are still having issues even AFTER checking the box trying clearing your OCT cookies & then try again.

Yeh, really P***es me off, i type a thread then it all goes away!!

If you use FireFox, get the add-on "Lazerus". :thumbsup:
Just realised, the previous version of the software forum I had set the remember me box to be ticked by default. I just checked and I hadn't checked this box by default when I upgraded the forum. I've just made the modification and it is now ticked by default so you shouldn't have any more issues :)

Thanks G :thumbsup:
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