Awesome Movies You Cannot Miss

If u love Anchorman, Hangover etc
Just watched that on Thurs and pissed myself laughing, no huge names just great acting and good times - does have Rhys Darby from FOTC and other guys u will probably recognise.....

awesome film and watch the deleted scenes too - some of them are funnier than the movie!!!
If u love Anchorman, Hangover etc
Just watched that on Thurs and pissed myself laughing, no huge names just great acting and good times - does have Rhys Darby from FOTC and other guys u will probably recognise.....

awesome film and watch the deleted scenes too - some of them are funnier than the movie!!!

I agree, THE BOAT THE ROCKED was really good. definately worth a watch.

---------- Post added 14-09-2009 at 08:30 AM ----------

Running on empty

2 Aussie Classic's :)

Oldies, but really good car and motocycle movies. Love the Chevy in RUNNING ON EMPTY.

MAD MAX. The best aussie movie of all time.:thumbsup:
Top movies I can watch again an again
(in no particular order)

*American History X
*Godfather 1 & 2 (3rd was a let down)
*Almost Famous
*Shawshank Redemption
*We Own The Night
*12 Monkeys
*Dazed & Confused
*Bourne Trilogy
*Donnie Darko
*The Rock
*Con Air

And ofcourse Saw 1-5
i'll just put in my 2 cents with my top 5 of all time and then recent....

All time recommended

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. American History X
3. Highlander (just the first 2)
4. Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
5. The Karate Kid (Mr Miaggi is the bomb)

More Recent

1. The Hangover
2. Pineapple Express
3. Strange Wilderness
4. All the SAW movies
5. Superbad
agree wth all of the above! few other awesome movies:

i am legend, the prestige and blood diamond...and another piss funny movie if you like stupid comedy like rod with andy samberg! a classic
Boat that rocked has the dude from Shawn Of The Dead & Hot Fuzz in it. Both those movies are great

Transformers 1 & 2
Shawshank Redemption
A Time To kill
Life of Brian
X-Men 2, the nightcrawler scene at the start is sweet
Step Brothers
Kung Fu Hustle
Observe & Report
Back To The Future
Role Models
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I Love You, Man
Zack & Miri
Adam Sandler movies
Most Mike Myers movies
Seth Rogan movies
Will Ferrell movies
Half Baked, Dave Chappelle is hilarious
Chris Rock

if you havnt guessed, i really like comedies

i could keep going but who is gonna read it all?
just saw the UP in 3D great awmsome film funny and touching film, worth the money!!

to bad they tacked on the 3D sorta. It only was 3D in some parts. When I was there and they showed a little mini 3D clip. that was cool.

But over all Up was good as a movie.
to bad they tacked on the 3D sorta. It only was 3D in some parts. When I was there and they showed a little mini 3D clip. that was cool.

But over all Up was good as a movie.

Yeah Up was cool good story as well not what I thought what it was going to be! I saw it in 3-D and it wasn't really 3-D, by that I mean hit you in the face stuff and also the mini clips too they were good!

My 10 Movies (not ordered)

1. Will Ferrell Movies (Semi-Pro, Anchorman and Step Brothers)
2. Seth Rogan Movies (Knocked Up, Superbad and Funny People)
3. Casino Royale
4. 21 (Blackjack)
5. The Dark Knight
6. Saw I, II, III, IV, V, VI
7. Jaws (Classic!!!)
8. Disturbia
9. Basketball Movies (He Got Game and White Men Can't Jump)
10. Soccer Movies (Goal 1, Mean Machine and Green Street Hooligans)
I'll love this thread,

Boondock Saints 2 is coming out soon, Loved the first one. I like everything, chick Flicks, action, comedy.

Must see In no order Team America World Police, Braveheart, Seven, Titanic, Borat, Not another Teen Movie, Boondock Saints, A Few good men, Finding Nemo. The worst movie I ever saw was The Blair witch project.(just apalling)
I'll love this thread,

Boondock Saints 2 is coming out soon, Loved the first one. I like everything, chick Flicks, action, comedy.

Sweet. I loved the first. Didn't know that a second one was coming. I will definately be seeing that.

---------- Post added 20-09-2009 at 11:34 AM ----------

This is great fellas.
4 pages all ready. Keep em coming.
I'm huge fan of Leo, love his movies, Blood diamond, was great and Basketball Diaries was fantastic too, can't believe he hasn't won an oscar yet?
Another top Aussie flick... Two Hands :)

'Yeah, Shotty's are good!'

I actually watch Terminator Salvation and thought that wasn't too bad. It had that Auzzie dude in it from 'Bootmen'. Plus any flick with Christian Bale = :worthy:! But still my all time favourite Bale film is Equilibrium!

Oh man you have not truly watched a movie until you have seen Equilibrium!!! 10/10!!! Right up there on my list just below The Matrix!
Actually probably the most anticipated movie of the year for me is 2012!!! Partly because the movie is backed by scientific evidence, but also because Roland Emmerich owned it up making Independence Day and Day After Tomorrow! We all love Doomsday movies and this one is suppose to eclipse them all because is of the simple fact, that scientifically, it is a possibility! I'm soo going to Premier Screening when it reaches Oz!!!

Any1 else keen on 2012?
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