Quick update guys. I'm unable to mail out the packs today as I've had some family issues this weekend. My 2 year old has been in serious pain (we think dental issues, not sure though cause he doesn't talk yet) and has barely slept in the past 3 days. He wakes up every hour or two in hysterics. My wife has taken the day off today to take him to the dentist, and needed our car. Since moving back to Oz we still only have the 1 car. that means I'm unable to get to the Post Office. Sorry guys for the delay, I know we've already been waiting a bit already. I promise they will go out tomorrow (even if it kills me...lol). When I get home form work tonight I will try and upload some picks of the packs and stuff so you guys can see how it works. Thanks in advance for the understanding.
I believe there is still a couple of guys who haven't sent me their addy's either. If you're not sure, better send it to me again to make sure.