Augustin 1/1

Re: Single D.J Augustin PC pick up

Thanks guys yeah it isn't in too bad condition considering its UD Black.

Yeah it was on the bay but didn't finish auction.
As for the other 1/1, no comment:D

haha no comment :lol: ...Look forward to seeing it :P
Re: Nearing the end of my big mail days. 26/5/09

Thanks Matt.

Yeah Nick i want to see it in hand, not the greatest patches in it but again its a 1/1 so can't complain. I'll get the #/10 version for the sexy patches :D
Re: Nearing the end of my big mail days. 26/5/09

Thats it, a 1/1 is a 1/1 i'd take it anyday! But it is weird how you can have 1/1's with pretty average patches and like /10's have awsome patches, you'd think they'd save the sick patches for 1/1's. Ahwell look forward to see your new mailday soon :thumbsup:
DaAmn! Just saw one of those "SEXY" /10 dual patch cards! Hot diggity damn they are awsome, why cant they do that for the 1/1's i'll never know:blink:
Cheers fellas :v:

DaAmn! Just saw one of those "SEXY" /10 dual patch cards! Hot diggity damn they are awsome, why cant they do that for the 1/1's i'll never know:blink:

If your talking about the Augustin one yeah it blows the 1/1 away with the patches. I don't understand it myself.
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