Anyone Know what cards these are? Tim Grant new ESP set? signature

really?? I like the landscape design, or are you saying just rookies should be portrait design like Classic and Invincible TP's?

i was thinking just in general.

like the 04 and 09 captain sigs are probably my favourite ever and both are portrait. can get the odd nice landscape but like traders YG and dynasty/ strike TP's designs i didnt like.
Does everyone think that they should do redemptions for the signatures and/or high end cards, or just put them in the packs like they have been?
Geez i bet ESP are not happy players are releasing the pics but on the up side we get to see what the next release is going to be like.
tyrone phillips is the rabbits 20' sig i think.

he commented lichas photo saying he got one aswell. dont know much about him. wouldve rathered dylan walker but from what ive seen of lichaa hes going to be a gun
Does everyone think that they should do redemptions for the signatures and/or high end cards, or just put them in the packs like they have been?
leave them in the packs, cause in 10 years time when companies are no longer doing NRL cards, if you purchase a box, instead of getting that worthless redemption which u cant redeem anymore, you will get the signature card...
leave them in the packs, cause in 10 years time when companies are no longer doing NRL cards, if you purchase a box, instead of getting that worthless redemption which u cant redeem anymore, you will get the signature card...

Agreed! One thing I would like to see though would be a prize card that is redeemable for a whole set of the sigs or something. The odds would have to be ridiculous but I liked it when Dynamic did that!
I'm excited to see what the Raiders ones are :)
Just hope they are 1 per box unlike the 1 per 6 boxes for the overpriced young guns cards :(
I'm still trying to get a decent priced Edrick Lee if anyone feels like letting me have it? Hehe
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