Anyone Know what cards these are? Tim Grant new ESP set? signature

If this is part of the ESP set I hope they'll have a Michael Jennings signature!

im hoping for the SBW.

supposedly there is a superstar sig from each team and rookie sig.

i hope these superstar sigs are limited 100 because any less and they become to hard to afford ahahha
also i cropped it out in the screenshot but licha hastagged that it was his first card ever which is worrying as didnt he sign in the last set ahaha?
Excellent. High quality card that wont be captain signature exspensive. This could be a perfect release
. Things looking up,

The thing im most excited about is that they have gone back to portrait sig cards

Hate the landscape look that strike dynasty andesp young guns had
Excellent. High quality card that wont be captain signature exspensive. This could be a perfect release
. Things looking up,

The thing im most excited about is that they have gone back to portrait sig cards

Hate the landscape look that strike dynasty andesp young guns had

really?? I like the landscape design, or are you saying just rookies should be portrait design like Classic and Invincible TP's?
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