Anyone collect fanpacks??


Finally got something 2day... Buffalo Bills of the NFL. 2 nice pictures, schedule and some stickers.

Anyone else got anything lately? This thread has gotten a bit quiet so post your successes here.

My tally of fanpacks is up to 29 now I think.

2 month and 9 days bump LoL

Sent out for about 11 NBA teams the other day... fingers crossed as NBA fanpacks are sweet:D
I just emailed Orlando Magic! I hope there's a god damn reply :) fingers corssed :v:

Sorry to bring hopes down but chances of Magic... 0.1%:lol:

Here's my reply from them:

Dear Magic Fan:

Thank you so much for taking the time to write us and express your support for the Orlando Magic. We are grateful to have such passionate fans like you. The volume of requests that we receive for Fan Packs and autographs far exceed the resources we have available.

If you wish to purchase Magic merchandise, please visit our website at and visit our retail shop.

You can also bid for an autographed item in our Orlando Magic Youth Fund Online Auctions found regularly on the home page. All proceeds benefit the Orlando Magic Youth Fund, a Fund of the McCormick Foundation

Once again, we thank you very much for your support!

Be Magic,

Orlando Magic Fan Relations
8701 Maitland Summit Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32810-5915
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.


---------- Post added 18-09-2010 at 02:46 PM ----------

But you could be lucky! Who knows....
:lol: they like have a computer that replys automatically for them! can't be stuffed emailing all the team ;) like you said you emailed 11.

out of the 20 that ive sent off for ive only got dallas and detroit:(but still betta than nothin cant complain:Ddallas are really good with their fans
what did you get?

from memory in the dallas i got some flyers, a dallas sticker, a large nowitzki poster, 2 game day preview booklets and they all came in a nice folder:)

the pistons was a poster of the starting 5, a rodney stuckey preprinted picture, a bunch of flyers and a game day preview booklet.
I want to try and get a fan pack from the Clippers, any success from them and any tips? :)

I don't think I've tried the Clippers but you should write something like this:


I'm a big fan of the Clippers and I love watching Blake Griffen play. I believe we've got a bright future ahead of us.

I was also wondering whether the Clippers send out fan packs? If so, may I please request one?

Thank you,

Kenny ______
__________ <ADDRESS
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