Announcement for box giveaway !!!! NRL

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Hi All,
I am actually a little affended that I am being accused of rigging the comp. I have no reason to rig the comp and do not know David any better than any other member on this forum. Anyone that has ever dealt with me via ebay would vouch for my honesty , quality of service and willingness to help others out. My only error here is a poorly produced youtube video .I only produced this so that everyone that entered would see the draw and not just think that I came up with a number of the top of my head. I do not care about who won or whether the forum will support my site in the long run but am more upset about the accusations being made. I pride myself on honesty quality of service and doing the right thing by people and are most upset about this situation and very shaken by it. I love the hobby and have been involved with it one way or another since 1994 and only wish to promote it and make it more enjoyable.

Gameday Online
I have had a lot dealings with Peter over the past 6 months or so and none of those experiences would make me think for a second that he has rigged this draw.

When i signed up and got an entry into the draw Peter withdrew it so there would be no accusations of wrong doing (given that I was giving alot of advertising to Gameday Online in my magazine).

Im also aware of no connection between Peter and #1 Eels Fan. Most of us know #1 Eels Fan pretty well and im sure you would agree with me that he is not the sort of bloke that would not be involved with anything like this.

Im prepared to accept the explanation of the poorly produced video and i hope you guys give the benefit of the doubt here too.
i agree you have been great too me aswell, but the the video clearly shows some form of tampering.

i didnt pay to go in the draw so i have nothing to complain about.
It was a free to enter draw with no reason for me to rig the draw. I should have folded the tickets up so I did not look like I could see which ticket that I was drawing. Yes I agree it does look a little wierd in the video and if I have placed a ticket in the hand I can assure you I did not know who's ticket it was. I would be happy to draw the box again but I ma sure the current winner would not be happy about that. I am a long time supporter of the hobby and this forum and have no reason to jeopardise that. I hope you can all give me the benefit of the doubt and not let the conspiracy theories get out of hand. I have been force to rush the draw through due to personal reasons and may have cut some corners in what I was hoping to do with the draw when initially setting up the comp.

Gameday Online
I was the one who brought this up, as when i saw the draw, i picked it up straight away, i showed it to 3 others on this site, (who will remain anonoymous), then showed it to 3 others who have no connection to this site and all agreed that it didn't look good, looked suss and i passed it on...
I suggest in future you conduct prize giveaways in a different manner, or even use a program that will randomly pick a number for you etc..
As i said to someone your trying to start a business/website, it just doesn't look good..
Hi Michael,
I appreciate what you have seen in the video and do agree that I should have done the draw in a different way or taken more care in the way I have done it. I just do not appreciate the accusations being made as I conduct all my business dealings and personal dealings with the utmost integrity. Once again I re-enforce in no uncertain terms that the competition was not rigged and that the winner David had no knowledge that he was the winner prior to being notified by email that he had won. The only tampering in the video may be that I chode the ticket I would pull out as the winner prior to my last swish around in the bowl. I in no way new who's ticket it was. The forum is looking to have me banned from the site due this issue and I feel this situation has got out of hand with little substance to the situaution or consaltation with me with regards to the issue. This was a fairly organised competition where my website has given some lucky winner a free box of cards. All those who entered had an equal chance at winning the comp.

Gameday Online.

Gameday Online
i was asked the question in a round about way and to me it did not make any sense to me as to why it would have been rigged.
with all due respect but apart from on here and his web site i have no idea who Peter is and to accuse him of rigging a competition for a box of cards is implying that i had something to do with it as well and i am most dissapointed about that.

Now i agree that the video is subjectable but thats as far as it go's, as i have allready said to some others it doesnt make sense to me, not 1 bit of sense, Peter offers this competition to raise awarenes to his site and to promote it so why would he jepordise the site, his reputation/integrity and his name for the sake of a box of cards, and as much as i am over the moon and most appreciative to have won this box of cards we have to remember its a box of cards why risk it all for a box of cards, like i said it didnt make sense.

yes you can say "allright for you to say, you won it" but just look at it logically and not from a soap box prospective

Thanks again for the great competition Peter i hope all this doesnt deter you from the site or the hobby
If it wasn't rigged then it's the worst attempt at creating a video of a draw that hasn't been rigged, ever.

And there are obvious reasons why it would be rigged, parrafan.

There seems to be a lot of dodgy members on here these days, so I don't really trust anyone.
Hi James,
Can you explain the obvious reasons why I would rig the draw and sacrifice months and months of work. I agree video was terrible and I wish I could do that over again or not bothered at all. Once again I can guarentee you that I randomly chose who was going to win the box and no conspiracy theory exists here.

Gameday Online
Damn, i had already prepared an acceptance speech :)

Congrats to Dave for the win! Thanks to Peter for the opportunity, i do think the site has a lot of potential.

Although conspiracy theories do make things naturally more interesting and the video drawing does provide enough to warrent such theories....thinking logically it doesn't quite hit the mark. If you are actually going to rig a drawing why go to the trouble of doing a video and uploading it to youtube? Wouldn't you just say "I did the drawing the the winning number was X". There have been other drawings on this site that i have been a lot more suspicious of than this ie. no proof of a drawing at all and the big winners being known to, or friends with, or live next to the person doing the giveaway.

At the end of the day this giveaway, and all the other giveaways on this site have been free to enter. While you would hope they are all legitimate (and i do believe this one was) they have never cost me a cent, only a few moments of my time.
Hi James,
Can you explain the obvious reasons why I would rig the draw and sacrifice months and months of work. I agree video was terrible and I wish I could do that over again or not bothered at all. Once again I can guarentee you that I randomly chose who was going to win the box and no conspiracy theory exists here.

Gameday Online

Nah, I am not going to outline theories when I have no evidence that that's what happened. But it doesn't take much imaginiation to think of reasons you might want one person to win over everybody else.

I actually don't think I had a ticket in this thing afterall, so I'm really not bothered. Good luck with future draws though, and at least you will have learned from this one.
Damn, i had already prepared an acceptance speech :)

Congrats to Dave for the win! Thanks to Peter for the opportunity, i do think the site has a lot of potential.

Although conspiracy theories do make things naturally more interesting and the video drawing does provide enough to warrent such theories....thinking logically it doesn't quite hit the mark. If you are actually going to rig a drawing why go to the trouble of doing a video and uploading it to youtube? Wouldn't you just say "I did the drawing the the winning number was X". There have been other drawings on this site that i have been a lot more suspicious of than this ie. no proof of a drawing at all and the big winners being known to, or friends with, or live next to the person doing the giveaway.

At the end of the day this giveaway, and all the other giveaways on this site have been free to enter. While you would hope they are all legitimate (and i do believe this one was) they have never cost me a cent, only a few moments of my time.

Thanks for that Michael. I agee why would I film and post on youtube a rigged draw ??????
If you ask me.. It was all down to video quality......... Everyone might be making a big deal out of nothing.. This is a FREE competition.. Peter offered up a box out of his own pocket.. So what did anyone have to LOSE anyhow??.. And truth be known.. Once Dave entered none of us had a chance anyhow........ ;)

Great idea for a comp peter..!!.. Somehow I missed the link to the comp.. I don't really read much of the General Discussions page... Obviously.. :)
I'm sorry but what a load of horse ****.

It looks like you have pre-selected a winner and then made sure you drew out the "winner" in your video to make it look like it was legit. If that was your explanation, I would have accepted that. But your line that it was a legitimate draw is ..... unbelievable. You picked out the ticket you wanted to win/had already selected to win.

Why ? Perhaps Dave had contributed plenty of information to your site and you wanted to reward him for that .... that's one possible reason. Whatever the reason for doing it, only you know.

But to continue to suggest that nothing happened and it's just a "poor quality video" is bull**** and you're just insulting mine and everyone elses intelligence.
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