If MJ had played against Lebron I'm sure he'd have a differing opinion.
Let's be honest here, while Bird no doubt was a better shooter than Lebron he's nowhere near him in every other aspect of the game. Just because MJ was the GOAT doesn't make his opinion correct
Let's be honest here, while Bird no doubt was a better shooter than Lebron he's nowhere near him in every other aspect of the game. Just because MJ was the GOAT doesn't make his opinion correct

For some odd reason I'm forced to value Michael Jordan's opinion on this matter more than yours, and Jordan is of the opinion that Larry Bird is the best small forward to ever play the game, by far.
Straight from the mouth of Michael Jordan...
"People ask me all the time who my all-time five top players are, and when I start saying Larry, they interrupt me. They say, 'You've got to be kidding me. He can't play with Lebron James!' I tell them, 'You guys don't get it. Larry is far better than any small forward who played the game, and to be honest, I'm still not sure if he is a small forward or a power forward."