Signed boots are nice
Thank you.
Signed boots are nice
Thank you.
OHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I so want to insert a comment here, but my better judgement is telling me not too. Damned you cognitive side of my brain... why must you work today.
Because I could say it too alot of people on here and they would instantly know I was joking... but with you, I don't know if you have a funny side or not.
Love The All star banner.
You know Blade I could understand your thinking thats because every time I put something on here I get attacked and I have to explain myself to people who know nothing about what I do because I am tarred with the same brush,that people would never get to know what I am like on here because I have to fight back all the time with keyboard warriors as I am sure you would see that all the time on here.
Why put yourself through it by posting up threads like this then. The free advertising must be worth it. Most people on here post up their collections, you post up stock.
Hey Troy.I'm just gonna say Corey, at times you make some good points but you need to stop caring what people think. If they dost like you who cares!
I'm neutral and not taking sides here I'm Just saying!
Corey mate, I did think I have ever seen a thread initiated by you where you haven't launched at people, often about how you pay for sigs, have contacts, not knowing the story etc etc
In this instance, no one had a crack at you about anything, but off you go again on your little tirade
Its really tiresome and makes me not want to read any of your threads, despite not seeing some cool gear
Ok where is the joke in what he said.
That Footypugs was at the signings working for you, when clearly she wasnt