Here it is 10 years :shock: in the making, including many hours looking at ebay to get them, and a lot of forgiveness from my wife when needing a expensive card.
Until I decided to scan them all, I did not really know how many there are. My collection has (as far as i know) every card ever released (except 4, more info below) including inserts, and I even went that crazy bit further to get any unredeemed redemption cards to go with the redeemed cards. But with my quest to put this collection together I had to only collect the non refractor sets from each year and decided just the other day not to bother with boxtoppers, they just don't seem like a real card to me when they come in the sealed case.
I have collected the refractors of -
00-01 Refractor Auto's & the 99-00 Double Feature single sided refractors.
The only cards I need to finish are -
00-01 Larry Johnson unredeemed auto redemption card
02-03 Mike Sweetney unredeemed draft pick redemption card
05-06 1 x Magenta & 1 x Yellow Printing plates (Finest Brand Only)
then I the 05-06 redeemed draft picks (but thet are not out yet )
So now I need to find a new card set to attempt, to keep me going in between future Finest releases and I think I have found it (and got the wife's approval) . But I will try and keep it a secret until I do some more research and spend some money to get it started.
So have a look let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy.
WOW thats dedication and quite a feat. A PC always looks better with some sort of goal and direction to it. Thats a huge job and well done. Lucky you didn't chase parallels as finest would of drove you nuts and lucky there isnt' a Hondo 1/1 in there or I would have to kill you and take it as I've won every one I've seen so far.