after opening box what to do

i actually cant wait to open my first case... still haven't worked out what case it will be..
cheers for everyone's help I ended up ditching a whole heap.. the next boxes will be sorted out and sold/given away
There are a few set collectors out there. I must admit I miss those days when people valued the full set as opposed to certain inserts. One way also that I have found is to package up random base/low end inserts in200 card lots and sell them for $10 a pop. This seems to move pretty well for me at the shop and trade shows with the little ones looking to get bang for there buck. Just a suggestion :)
I have heaps of base sets, so if your happy to send a complete set my way anytime, feel free. I do agree though, random half finished sets are just a waste of space, but the smile on a kids face when you give them a whole pile of different cards cannot be counted in dollars.
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