just wondering what people do with their cards after they've opened the box and taken out inserts, auto's etc and left with just the base cards..
im starting to accumulate alot of base cards from various boxes and just curious what others do..
that is why i gave up buying boxes as never seemed to the money's worth I have a box left with just base and can't sell or trade etc so yeah stopped buying boxes and prefer to look on ebay for the cards etc I want rather then trying to find them in a box etc
childrens hospital, maybe your local st vinnies or red cross, maybe even a primary school. you may be greatful of a new generation of collectors one day
I do a lot of work with Princess Margaret Hospital and i take a lot of base in for the kids that are in the hospital - they love them and they learn about card collecting - so I would encourage other peeps with truckloads of base to do the same - Hospitals, Charities etc.....
3 boxes ain't much. Wait until you open cases of cards!
If you could be bothered with the time I would sort into players or into sets (if you have enough to make a set) but it is time consuming and not 'financially' worth it unless you enjoy it or are keen to help others.