A Mailday.... Of not soo EPIC proportion!!!! Your Thoughts PPL???

I'd be very happy with the replacements, but then if you collected Rush or Chalmers, you would probably prefer the dual logoman.

You could always sell the Jordan and claim it as a 1 time jersey numbered auto :razz: :lol:


yeah i said the same thing to him back when I was at his house when he got it! haha! I was like "Jersey Number bro!!!" hahaha!
Thanks guys for all your input ay... some u all have said things that i was tossing up about in my head hey!!! :v:

They are all pretty much up 4 grabs too guys if anyone is keen... even the MJ "JERSEY NUMBERED" Auto!!!!!! lol
That MJ is an on card "JORDON" error card and super rare. Only UD Jordan error card in existence. I hope you sold it as such.
Damn that Peyton Manning is insane, that will gain a lot of interest on other sites mate.

Congrats on that MJ auto also, I think you've done well.
That manning is awesome mate....

The MJ speaks for itself, however for what you got for the logoman dual, I would rather get what they sent you.

Two cards that can fetch you some nice $$$
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