A couple this week.


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Here's a couple I've added this last week to my PC.

A contribution to the Black revolution in these boards.................

Here's my Jordan Black Dual Jersey 5/99


And here's another 03/04 Exquisite with Stojakovic Limited Logos.




my oh my.....

Not much rookies left to complete....:thumbsup: that's so awesome...
and lots of great looking patches...

03-04 limited logos are totally grand.... didn't happen to see them much... thanks alot for the links.. they are just lovely.. hope u complete sooner than later... last week, darko's exquisite rookie was done like 510 or something.. I was hoping you would bid on him...

Ooohhhh, great contribution to the Black revolution!!!!

Man, the Peja is great too, you going for the set?

Nah, just after Pejas. The Limited Logos set of 03/04 will be too pricey for me. Having a hard time just getting the RCs. Will probably be able to pick up an Anthony, but don't think I will be able to afford a LeBron or Wade RC.

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