9 Pippen 1/1's, 2 legacies, a BGS 9 and a busted case..oh and an auto!

when you decided to go and post 2 logomans in 1 mailday of your pc player we instantly became enemies...you have made it to my top 5 enemies list....congratulations!

1. Durian
2. Postgsl
3. Durian
4. Durian
5. Durian

Haha that's awesome. And even better that I as the accomplice got away with it...

Slobby i am in Awe of your collection and your sexy man beef

You must have an awesome spam filter on your email because there are so many ways to improve that little issue.......
9 1/1's in one mailday? Whats up Durian? :lol:

Crazy stuff slobostinovich, my favs are the 2nd Legacy and the Shoetime very nice stuff mate
Best thing about the mailday was the broken slab. Might be able to glue it back together I s'pose.

Metal detector would go crazy at your place now.

Nice cards/plate slobby... ;)
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