Thanks to the great service at Australia post I had 2 lots arrive yesterday but still waiting on the third, which I assume was posted on the same day.
OK, so the highlights from the 2 lots were;
06/07 Finest Fact - Joey Graham #1237/1899
06/07 UD Reflections - Shaun Livingston #258/299
06/07 Bowman Chrome X-Fractor - Shane Battier #50/150
06/07 Bowman Chrome Refractor - Udonis Haslem #15/249
05/06 Finest Red X-Fractor - Mike Dunleavy #76/99
03/04 UD Rookie Exclusives Auto - Zarko Cabarkapa
05 Press Pass Auto Blue - Mandaugas Katelynas
05/06 Bowman Signs of the Future - Charlie Villanueva
05/06 SP Signature Edtion Scripts for Success Auto - Hakim Warrick #190/200
02/03 UD Generations Reel Time Jersey - Kenyon Martin
03/04 SP Game used -Andre Miller
04/05 Topps JE - Jerome Beasley RC
05/06 Hardcourt Rookies Jersey - Danny Granger #144/250
06/07 Topps Luxury Box 1 on 1 dual gu - Baron Davis/Jason Terry #193/225
Plus 12 other inserts, refractors etc including 99/00 Finest Producers - Charles Barkley
Oh yeah almost forgot;
05/06 Trilogy Cutting Edge GU - Andrew Bogut
Good fun, good value, thanks Webber_Mad. I'll post the last lot when it arrives