8 misc box break part 1 (scan heavy)


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Busted the following a few nights ago:

1x 12-13 Past and Present
1x 10-11 Classics
1x 14-15 Totally Certified
1x 12-13 Innovation
1x 13-14 Fleer Retro
1x 14-15 Court Kings
1x 00-01 Topps Finest
1x 11-12 Gold Standard

Here's how the first 4 went down. Apologies if it's a little long.

Started off with 12-13 Past and Present. I quite like this product. There's little (maybe none at all?) numbering and very little memorabilia. It's cheap, but has a nice retro look to it. Typically you'd end up with 3 autos per box. They'd likely be from a very big list of rookies and you'd do well to get a big name player:


But, there's always a chance to pull this in the last pack of the box:


Slight smudge on the auto but still a very nice on-card KD :)

Next up was 10-11 Classics. I love the look of these cards, even the base set has a great design in my opinion. The other thing that strikes me about this product is how great the Membership memorabilia cards look in hand (numbered to a high 499 however).

Nice on-card Jerry West auto to /35!:


At this point I had forgotten what to expect out of an average box and thought there might just be the one auto. I was hoping for a rookie autograph as I'm (slowly) chasing that set. Again, the very last pack of the box delivered big time:


Great on-card autos in this set. Didn't have this particular card either and it's one of the more expensive ones to pick up so I'm very happy with that one!

14-15 Totally Certified. A few KDs, Big O die-cut to /25 and a Jim Jackson auto to /25. Definitely not terrible:


Next up was 12-13 Innovation. Had seen this opened before but had never busted it myself. Auto's were not exciting but a Chef Curry stained glass!


Part 2 coming, though I'll admit the standard drops a little.

Overall a great break by my standards :)

Thanks for looking.

Very nice break! Solid start with the KD auto and follow it up witha nice Jerry West. Even your box of 14-15 was above average, no mega hit but still pulled a nice epic dual jersey, 2 cards numbered #/25 and 3 durants which is a hell of a lot better than any 14-15 TC ive busted by a long shot! Well done!

Would be interested in the Kevin Jones redemption for my collection if its going cheap!
Very nice break! Solid start with the KD auto and follow it up witha nice Jerry West. Even your box of 14-15 was above average, no mega hit but still pulled a nice epic dual jersey, 2 cards numbered #/25 and 3 durants which is a hell of a lot better than any 14-15 TC ive busted by a long shot! Well done!

Would be interested in the Kevin Jones redemption for my collection if its going cheap!

Sorry, thought I'd replied to you. I'm not sure he ever signed it? There are a few on comc that are being redeemed (for a while). I'll let you know how it goes.
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