overall i still don't think i did too bad...
MJ/LeBron dual Jersey /75
Brandon Roy Auto
Greg Oden RC Green Refractor /149
Thabo Sefolosha Auto RC /350
Bargnani Hat Relic /50
Rondo RC /579
2 X Kevin Durant Finest RC's......
i counted 8-9 auto's with way below average in player selection though...
Novak,Sene,Magliore,Q-Rich,Davidson,Smith AAAAARRRRRHHHHH haha....
i think if the Jamaal Magloire Patch Auto /15 was anyone else i would of been extremely happy.....looking through the checklist now- Bird, MJ, Lebron, Magic, Pierce, Mourning, Iggy, Kobe, David Robinson, Melo, Drexler, Vince Carter, T-Mac, Chris Paul, Hakeem, Deron, Yao the list goes on...............
how the hell does Magloire get 'Ultimate Collection' status anyhow

....does he even play anymore?