01/02 was before the serial number craze really took off, they were mostly serialling rookies back then. the only numbered cards in that set are hand numbered autos.
not trying to diss the card at all, its a sick card, but it books for $25. granted it would command a premium for the colours, but paying $23 aint much of a steal...anything lower than $15 would have been a steal.
yeah? damn, i didnt think the colours could get THAT kind of premium, maybe $10-15 more but over TRIPLE book price is crazy! i didnt think there were that many die hard fans of hill left to get that kind of price.
yeah fair point, ive seen a fair few legendary jsys and very rarely are they multi coloured so a 6 clr would be be bloody rare hey? i stand corrected, thats a great steal
I do remember this one Graham.... hmmmmm!!!!!!! I didnt have money at that time! But didn't it say 8 color jersey in the auction? I actually can see 7 colors...
Im just happy it found its way here to Australia!!!