3 boxes prizm retail/3 boxes contenders/5 tins timeless treasures

packs 11-15
grant hill(rookie remembrance),roy hibert (auto)contemorary contenders #96/99,dwight howard(statistical),tim hardaway(legendary),all base for pack 15
packs 11-15
grant hill(rookie remembrance),roy hibert (auto)contemorary contenders #96/99,dwight howard(statistical),tim hardaway(legendary),all base for pack 15
lat 5 packs for box 1-contenders
mark jackson(rookie remembrance,chauncy billups(playoff),deandre jordan(statistical),redemption-dion waiters(rookie auto),malcom lee(rookie auto)
thats it for the first box of contenders(so many inserts)will take a little to get these scans up.
will let my son start on the next box as i do scans.
scans from box 1 contenders







these cards look pretty cool,really like the rookie of the year sheild shaped cards .....nice
onto the next box
box 2 packs 1-10 including kobe anthology
anthology all base again,jordan hamilton(rookie auto),base,patrick ewing(legendary),jerry west(playoff),larry bird(remebrance rookie),chris paul(rookie remembrance),steve nash(statistical),ANTHONY DAVIS(rookie of the year),eric gordan(jersey 2 colour auto)#8/49 (NICE CARD),elgin baylor(rookie remembrance)

not a bad start i think to this box! well half way,my son is too quick again,told him slow down again!!!!!!!
last 5 packs from box2 contenders
kris humphries(statistical),derrick rose(statistical),elvin hayes(legendary),mark jackson(rookie remembrance),tyshawn taylor (rookie auto)

thats it for box 2 -could always be better,but always fun breaking boxes no matter what you pull!!
the timeless will go fast,cant wait to see whats in there. still one more box of cotenders - better get to it
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