Im sorry if i have "offended" any of the "true" NRL collectors, as any open competition i ended up entering just like anyone else, i support this website just like others here and happened to win a prize. I unfortunately cannot fund another hobby so i requested to sell it at a reasonable price or to trade for Steven Adam NBA cards, so i never intended to make a quick buck i thought my price was reasonable given the fact that it was purchased almost automatically and i looked for prices on ebay.
I also sent the package tracked with a present to the buyer at a cost of $25 to myself so in reality i made a "profit" of $55 if you would like to know. I was open to trade to get cards that i do collect however it was purchased by a very happy member.
I am a avid NRL supporter of the Warriors and am going to the State of Origin tomorrow night with my 76 year old nana who is here from NZ but i cannot afford another hobby and thought it would be a reasonable price for someone who wanted it so once again i am sorry if you find that i merely was in it for the prize only i thought i was going to start an NRL collection but at this current stage i have no funds.
apologies to all offended by my actions.
Hey mate I note you are not even a premium member and you are having a go,I myself am a cricket collecter and won one of these boxes as a premium member and enjoyed opening it looking for the hits,what I do with it is nobody else's businessI'm glad to see the NRL cards ESP gave away for the collectors who support their product, Are now available to
be sold off from winners who don't support their product, To the collectors who do support their product.
- At a bargain price no less!!
Everything balances out in the end...
If you don't care what's with the write ups and smart ass comments become a premium member and get over itI don't have an issue....
I don't care at all in fact!!
Best of luck to him. - I hope he buys a couple hot dogs for Nanna
- Id like to see the response If I entered a basketball competition, won and then burned all the cards....
Just because I don't want to start a basketball collection?? - I'm thinking the response would be "Why the hell did you enter?"
And like he says above, He only made a measley $55... (Not including the time taken to pack them, went to the post office and got them off)... So what is the real profit?
Surely as a "card collecting community" for $55, Surely... Just Surely (As a fellow collector) he would prefer them to go to someone who wanted them - but maybe couldn't afford them, Someone who wanted to get the kids into collecting?? anyone, Rather than someone who isn't remotely interested in them and is going to flog them off straight away.
Whilst others who actually "wanted" them, "collect" them, or "could use" them - went without them
I just don't get it....
If there was a comp in the Basketball section (I know I'm not alone in thinking) I wouldn't even go there, As I have no interest in them and would have far more interest is seeing them go to someone who appreciates them.
I'm sure ESP would love to see the boxes given away to the loyal community hocked off to the loyal community at a margin of the cost that they're selling them for - Really would inspire them to keep giving...
Are there no morals/ethics anymore?
If you don't care what's with the write ups and smart ass comments become a premium member and get over it
I'm sure the people that run this site would love that comment this site could do without people like youI'm not a premium member
Because I can think of better ways to waste money...
Fair enough of course Matt.
Personally I would only enter NRL comps on this site, because that's all I'm interested in and all I collect ... but that's just my point of view and standpoint, hopefully there's no problem with expressing it.
Look forward to future comps!![]()
No problems at all with people having a point of view, fully support this.
Only thing I forgot to add is that from memory half of the boxes went to premium members who support the site each month and they had no choice being entered into the draw, they were in automatically.
But yes, we hope to have more of these comps soon and we are extremely grateful for the companies who give us product for free to give away!
I would have liked to support the site and become a premium member for the competition, but really couldn't afford it at present, I'm living off about $150 a week atm (after bills, before food).
Kiwi dollars?