I'm not sure if they will go down the 1/1 path just yet but who knows?
I would take last years release, make the mojo cards all single cards falling from 1 per box for the Rubies through to the Diamond Mojo #/5 at around 1 per case.
Ditch the Road to the Finals and replace this with a jersey patch auto for each team #/40 - 1 per case with each card having a 1/1 Jersey Team Logo Patch Auto version (think Logoman Auto out of the NBA).
Now is it just the light of the angle the camera has captured, but from my eyes it's somewhat appearing there will be a third para for the LS signature cards: second black LS signature signed in another pale colour besides gold out of 25-10 along with the gold ink black board LS /40?
Now is it just the light of the angle the camera has captured, but from my eyes it's somewhat appearing there will be a third para for the LS signature cards: second black LS signature signed in another pale colour besides gold out of 25-10 along with the gold ink black board LS /40?