The only challenge with numbering all the Parallels would be the additional cost involved in production.
Numbering the Mojos even at say .25 cents per card for the numbering would cost:
40+20+10+5 x 10 players a team x 16 teams @.25 per card equals = $3,000 (Estimated)
Numbering the Parallels 480 x 10 x 16 teams @.25 per card equals = $19,200 (Estimated - and there would probably be a lower rate based on the volume so this is a worst case scenario).
I know for a fact, the question would be asked - does spending $16,200 extra on numbering the base parallels improve sales by such a significant amount that this would be viable? Would collectors go and buy more product if the base parallels were numbered?
Im sure there would be a small increase in sales, but I dont think it would be enough to justify the additional costs.
For TLA, Traders is there big product of the year in terms of profit margins on sales due to the volume manufactured.
Elite margins are lower and the risk of not making a return on this is much greater so they have to balance the costs out to ensure the release is viable.