Here are our Goals for 2017 !
1. Buy Less Wax... a LOT less
2. Reach 80% of Bismack Biyombo cards Without 1/1 ( at 70% atm)
3. Have 10 True 1/1 of BigBiz ( 5 at the moment ..)
4. Continue to add some items to the collection ( shoes , Pictures , Jerseys , Balls )
5. Continue to have fun and Love the Hobby !

1. Buy Less Wax... a LOT less
2. Reach 80% of Bismack Biyombo cards Without 1/1 ( at 70% atm)
3. Have 10 True 1/1 of BigBiz ( 5 at the moment ..)
4. Continue to add some items to the collection ( shoes , Pictures , Jerseys , Balls )
5. Continue to have fun and Love the Hobby !