We could both go back and forth all year till the cows come home picking things that support our respective arguments, but I won't, as this thread is for THIS year's playoffs. I just find it funny how people put Jordan on a pedestal as some mythical being who will never be overtaken, and seem to have a need to denigrate andyone who has the audacity to be mentioned in the same sentence as the all-powerful Jordan...![]()
We could both go back and forth all year till the cows come home picking things that support our respective arguments, but I won't, as this thread is for THIS year's playoffs. I just find it funny how people put Jordan on a pedestal as some mythical being who will never be overtaken, and seem to have a need to denigrate andyone who has the audacity to be mentioned in the same sentence as the all-powerful Jordan...![]()
We could both go back and forth all year till the cows come home picking things that support our respective arguments, but I won't, as this thread is for THIS year's playoffs. I just find it funny how people put Jordan on a pedestal as some mythical being who will never be overtaken, and seem to have a need to denigrate andyone who has the audacity to be mentioned in the same sentence as the all-powerful Jordan...![]()
Yep, I find it hilarious that people want to put LeBron on top without having the Credentials to even be above others still playing like Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant etc.
I think there's a disclaimer that needs to be made when comparing a player that has quite a few more years to go in his career, with one that is on the tailend of a very long career. LeBron *if he continues at his current pace and remains healthy* will likely go down as the top 3 players of all time. You really can't say with absolute conviction that a player ranked 20th on the all time scoring list with 2 rings is a better player than the 3rd all time scorer with 5 rings (in an oversymplistic argument). But when LeBron hangs it up, he will likely have had a better career than Kobe (maybe).I would quite comfortably put LBJ infront of Kobe all time. Shaq won Kobe 3 titles.
There's no way currys right, look at how he's playing, yes dellys playing good defence but the amount off open shots he's missing is thru the roof. Also when is anyone for golden state going to play defence, lebrons playing great but 10 years ago someone would have put him on his ass a couple of times a game just as a friendly reminder that it's the finals, the crap defence is making it look like an allstar game, also maybe the refs need to inforce the rules Lebron in the first quater at around the 6 minute mark took 8 seconds to cross half court, pretty sure that should have been a turnover, Props to Lebron tho, he's shown up to play these finals, curry needs to show why he was won the MVP, because so far, it looks like the real mvp is on the other team
I would quite comfortably put LBJ infront of Kobe all time. Shaq won Kobe 3 titles.
That And 1 play by Delly really did seem to deflate the Warriors, especially coming right after the Curry trey which briefly pumped them up. haha! REAL tight series so far, I wouldn't mind if they were all this tight, PROVIDING the Cavs came out the other side as winners...^^ Haha, he did make some crazy shots out there..
I'm gonna just stick to ozcards comments for now, BO has gotten 1000 times more ridiculous then normal.
I really dont think curry is shaken up from the fall at all.
I think the Cavs might want it more than Gsw atm.
Game 4 will be the biggest game in this series.
Who ever wins this coming game i think will take the chip.
Gsw got rattled with losing at home and it put them off and it continued into game 3.
So if Gsw win game 4 they will get feet back i think.
From the way Gsw played all season and cavs without kyrie and Love this series should have been over tommorow.