Re A - League / Socceroos set – First Edition
*Some highlights - As a long time card collector this base set has been most intriguing to collect the fact that it’s been a random chance has actually made it exciting to have a new card player in town - did we really want to just but one box and get a set of commons. Ha Ha who want to go halves in another box.....
- The selection of Socceroos and Matildas players has been pretty good and great idea also the additional card not listed Mathew Leckie – offset by no card for Kruse & Ryan - TnP did well with players list & A league okay
*Some room for improvement
The two cards that have not been sighted by any collectors in any batch and appears no confirmation that they were actually printed unless I am corrected Tap N play have no samples.* Bailey Wright - Socceroos* Ivan Franjic - Brisbane Roar card
- Who can forget printing issues with Melbourne City cards and their odd release through A league promo?
We have had limited sightings however no collector obtained actual card.. until Peter who has scored some
I spoke to Tap N play and explained If we cannot realistically collect the set the good will that the collector community has afforded to support tap n play will evaporate I also inquired if any chance of a special re print run of the First edition on a small scale to give collectors a chance to finish their base sets – okay a long shot due economics of scale etc. etc…
Credit to Tap N play – as Matt has already advised previously they confirmed due issues with printing and collation of cards through supplier these problems now fixed for future releases and let’s look forward to chaser cards and special releases.
Tap n play trying to do their best to help have sent me out a couple of sample MC cards for free they are in good condition corners damaged but as they say beggars can’t be choosers
Let’s hope we can obtain more cards as they start to hit the market….or go underground like on these forums …so all collectors like Todd & Mike can finish their set ….maybe like Mike earlier post this is our life long quest for the Holy Grail….. a card collectors dream!
Samples pictured are David Williams & Nicholas Kalmar
Scoot off