2014/15 A-league cards?

Hi Mike,

I believe this was due to the company printing the cards. The collation was poor and i believe that Neil is looking into rectifying this and come to some resolution for collectors.


Let's hope so. There is a saying 'if it's important to you, you will find a way. If it's not you'll find an excuse'

The printers may well have played a role, but are they the only ones that deserve the finger to be pointed at?

We keep hearing about Neil looking at some corrective action for 7 weeks now.

I know this is not your issue and you are becoming the defacto TnP spokesperson, so please don't feel that I am having a go at you, but just more words for Neil about doing something is just that....more words.

Or to put it more bluntly 'all talk, no action'.
Tap n Play has lot me as a customer. So far I've spent $50 on packs and trades trying to get a Sydney FC team that still isn't complete. Can pick up Select team sets for $2.
would it be possible that Mathew Leckie was printed instead of Bailey Wright?

That would be the logical assumption, but so much is illogical about this set that anything is possible.

I guess we wait until Matt has the confirmation that Bailey Wright wasn't actually printed.

There I was thinking we were on the yellow brick road to Oz, but today's posts make me realise this is more like Alice in Wonderland. Time to go find the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
I am firmly of the belief that neil should be providing the missing cards free of charge to those that can say prove they have purchased a box/equivalent amount of cards?
Hi Mike,

I believe this was due to the company printing the cards. The collation was poor and i believe that Neil is looking into rectifying this and come to some resolution for collectors.


Hi Matt, Mike & gang
Thanks for update re MC cards figured was printing issue and told Neil as much @ TapnPlay........Some
Good news Neil sent me out free collectors binder as promised (might replace with better quality plastic sleeves) with Tim Cahill collectors card & pack which I haven’t opened as I imagine its the Melbourne City set x2

Neil confirmed what you two probably already know
Trying for 2nd updated series with chaser cards out hopefully by March The card quality will be better and they are working on design as we speak
Also working on possibly a newer high-end signature range as well

So yes it’s been a rollercoaster and expensive process but I figure we are part of something new and good on Tap n play for having a crack maybe we should look at bringing out are own set one year….He He... reckon you two have a good knowledge of cards.

Ps looking forward to those MV cards will they have Second Edition! on back ??? then again we wouldn’t want them to flood the market it would spoil the fun and lower cards long term collectors value
Wow, impressive comments Scooterboy.
Maybe Neil should print up some "I :hearts: TnP" t-shirts and send them to all of us.

You seem to have a better line of communication with Neil than any of us have been able to establish.

Maybe if he sent as much time addressing the issues with the current release, as he is in relation to rabbiting on about what is going to happen in the future, the better off the collectors of this first set will be. Then we might see some real market value because at the moment there is none in this current set.

This is not hard. Maybe he can use some of the $87,000 he is planning to make off the sale of 50 x 7 cricket signature cards, and do a special print run of the MC cards and sell/give them to us as a limited time offer (limit 2 sets per customer).

NBUnited's earlier post about proving that you have bought bulk packs should also be an important factor.

The normal cards in this set have a face value of 40 cents each (10 cards in a $4 pack), so with 7 missing MC cards I'd happily pay the $2.80 for the complete set of MC players. Plus postage of course. :)

Sure we could all make our own cards, but Neil is the one with the licence and has gone to market with a premium priced product and promoted what cards are available.

He needs to stand up, stop blaming others, and accept that this is an inferior product and honour what the product was said to deliver.

He may well consider this first edition as his 'bastard son' release, but any neglected child will find a way of coming back to bite you when you least expect it. :mad:
I think this is where it's heading

Mc cards don't exist. Neil will push back to the printers who have misled him
From here they will appear in the next edition which will be new and improved and different card quality etc
Whether we get a free set of these is anyone's guess
If he is looking to release version 2 in March well that may well be a bit late and the take up will be small as we will be into the footy season

The whole thing has been a headache so it's time for a Bex and a lie down:kick:

Hi guys,

I have said this as much before but the first product was well below what everyone was expecting in terms of a release. It simply wasn't good enough.

I have spoken at length with Neil about this and he has assured me that its being rectified in the next release. I am also trying to provide him with some feedback in what should be done in this next release.

I have been chasing Neil on this issue (The City cards) and he has forwarded me some of the emails direct from the printers stating that the Melbourne City cards were printed. The total cards were printed in 3 batches. I understand that the City cards were mainly packaged in batches 2 and 3.

I believe that batches 2 and 3 will be used in some sort of promotion with the FFA kids members so the cards will surface at some point soon.

The printers have also offered to print extra MC cards so there may be something done for people wanting to finish their sets shortly.

I'm confident that the next release will be much improved and be closer to what many people would expect in having good collation, inserts to collect and hopefully some signature content.
thanks for all of your help and communication with this release @Matt26 , I am just looking forward to completing this set and then waiting for the next release so i can add some more Newcastle cards to the collection :thumbsup:. With the amount of money i/others have spent chasing cards that don't exist / haven't surfaced yet i am sure the next release will be much better.
Just a bit of an update, should have confirmation shortly that the cards Ivan Franjic and Bailey Wright were never printed. I believe that Franjic was pulled at the last minute.

Thanks for the post today Matt, it provides a ray of sunshine against what were very dark skies.

Any confirmation as yet as to whether the Franjic and Wright cards were ever printed?
On the TnP Twitter account in response just recently posted to a question from @nfhistory it states:

"There were only 7 apprvd Newc cards - our manuf advised most been del'd in the third batch going to newsagents now".


Assume that is supposed to read Melb City, as there are 14 Newcastle cards already in circulation.

Maybe more details on which newsagents are getting these new stocks would help in tracking down just where these MC cards will be.

Or even better why not make it like the radio station road runners and they tell us a location where the cards are going to be for the next 30 minutes, and the first there gets the cards. Now there's an idea!!!:)

Also a post in relation to no legends series planned
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On the TnP Twitter account in response just recently posted to a question from @nfhistory it states:

"There were only 7 apprvd Newc cards - our manuf advised most been del'd in the third batch going to newsagents now".


Assume that is supposed to read Melb City, as there are 14 Newcastle cards already in circulation.

Maybe more details on which newsagents are getting these new stocks would help in tracking down just where these MC cards will be.

Or even better why not make it like the radio station road runners and they tell us a location where the cards are going to be for the next 30 minutes, and the first there gets the cards. Now there's an idea!!!:)

Also a post in relation to no legends series planned
Haha nice to see my Twitter account featured on the forum! Also, it seems like the ratios of cards are different around every state. For example, I don't have a Mark Bresciano yet but I have 2 Rhyan Grants and 8 Sam Galloways (saw a post where someone said they didn't have him)
I like mike's idea

" we are out in the tnp cruisers with our card giveaways. Top rocks Christmas"

Seriously the new batch I hope we can tell the difference in the packaging as old packaging means no chance of MC
The truth maybe out there.....if only it was the same with these imaginary cards!

Can't be imaginary, they are included on the TnP list of 'all cards printed'.

So they must have been printed, if not then some explaining to do. Otherwise it's time for TnP to starting warming up the printing presses for a special print run of these 9 missing cards.

Still the more we talk about this ongoing issue in this forum the more it impacts on the sale of these cards.

Maybe time to remind ourselves of the golden rules of customer relations:

Rule 1: the customer is always right.
Rule 2: if you think the customer is wrong, re-read Rule 1.
next question i'll be asking is if they can show some photos and if the were in the first delivery or 2/3 like the Melb City ones are.
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