2013 NBA Playoffs draft competition

Sounds fine to me (other then the fact my picks so late in not even gonna get a team with home court advantage!) but having this done before 5am is an impossible task. If by some fluke the 12 people in front of me get there picks in before then, I'm about to go to bed and won't be up again probably till after the 5am game is completed.

True, I am out all day tomorrow... I relaly do not think 1 game really changes much.... but I guess its up to d rob, but he has been missing almost a week... hope all is well with him!
New York Knicks
Boston Celtics
Denver Nuggets
Golden STate Warriors
Brooklyn Nets
Chicago Bulls
Los ANgeles CLippers
Memphis Grizzlies
Atlanta Hawks
Indiana Pacers
Houston ROckets
Oklahoma City Thunder
Milwaukee Bucks
Miami Heat
Los ANgeles Lakers
San ANtonio SPurs

these are the teams and I shall put htem in this order in the random.org and randomise 16 times, the final list will be our teams... if people agree this is the best way to go given the circumstances....

  1. Brooklyn Nets
  2. Boston Celtics
  3. Chicago Bulls
  4. Indiana Pacers
  5. Memphis Grizzlies
  6. Milwaukee Bucks
  7. San ANtonio SPurs
  8. New York Knicks
  9. Miami Heat
  10. Los ANgeles CLippers
  11. Atlanta Hawks
  12. Houston ROckets
  13. Denver Nuggets
  14. Golden STate Warriors
  15. Oklahoma City Thunder
  16. Los ANgeles Lakers

this would mean Harsha Gets nets... so on and so forth...

just an option. I myself won't be home until late tomorrow myself.
I personally think we should keep it like last years comp, that way we can choose the teams we want :thumbsup:
you would say that! hows the heat looking this year?! haha

im gonna take a sit on the fence. happily go with either the majority, or whatever drob wants to do. maybe someone should tag him in here?

anyways..off to bed. by the time i wake up im expecting to see both knicks and nuggets get there first wins.

by the way, who else is literally going to be watching basketball ALL day tomorrow?! god damn i love sundays come playoff time!! :)
Hey Guys

Sorry for the delay with this! Had a hell of a week last week and didn't have time to scratch my backside! lol

Even though the first round has started, I don't think any of the selections will get changed by knowing the results we know now, so we will just proceed as normal:

I have randomed the list and this is the order we will draft in:
  1. la iph
  2. Matty4292
  3. Rodman91
  4. WoobieZarz
  5. Wolvesjr34
  6. Anakinleo
  7. AussieLaker
  8. Jaames
  9. dwades.world
  10. Shaun
  11. T-WOLF FAN
  12. Karlsta26
  13. WhiteyTheSpursFan
  14. Harsha_12
  15. nino_013
  16. matty83

la iph gets first pick, so I will message her now and get it moving!

After a message from Strop, we will be able to do a second group with just 8 people. Each person can have 2 teams. It will be a 'snake draft' where it goes 1 through to 8, then 8 back up to 1.

The list for group 2 is:


After random 8 times:

  1. Jordan_23
  2. Strop
  3. drob50
  4. Beemz-Trading-Cards
  5. Awoj21
  6. tcorbal
  7. KTownWildcat
  8. Steve

So Jordan_23 gets first pick! Will pm him now!
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