It makes good business sense for these guys to be very familar with this brand and customer base, I think that will improve with time and George a very good point about team cards due to Select still having the contract to Oct/Nov..........I still think that with what they have shown us the future looks good.
I hope your right Dave, But I can't help but worry seeing how much the prices on Ebay for these cards have dropped in 5 days The fact their not selling to well. Ikon have given everyone 30 day credit on the product so the resellers are hoping to sell a lot of stock before they have to pay & it hasn't happened hence the price drop.
Then the next release is going to be aimed at the kids with a product similar to Stax Attack with a much bigger production than the currant cards. Now if these don't sell to well that will be a lot of stock left over from both releases before we get our premium cards next year. That's whats worrying me I hope they don't panic & pull the pin as they would of paid a lot of money to the NRL as well.