Ricky Davis Collector
AJ, Sorry you took offence to that because honestly i dont find the nickname, "The Dorks" to be very offensive. Its just a bit of a heated AFL discussion and i respect people opinions but if you can't handle me labelling your side the Dorks than thats a little sad.
Melbourne fans just about every year have had to deal with opposition fans saying that all us fans are off to the snow, well as long as i have been supporting the dees anyway and i dont take any offence to it, I just choose to ignore it. Some people get kicks out of it and useally most the crap is thrown at pie fans
. It comes with the territory of being a loyal AFL team supporter.
Delidio was a #1 draft pick and their have been some real dimonds in the rough even in the rookie draft like Dean Cox and Aaron Davey to name a couple. If you have a good enough scout you should be able to draft well regardless of where your picks are. Not always top 5 picks live up to their potential, Luke Livingston was pick 4 for Carlton years back and he didnt do anything and im just making one case of it. Gibbs was pick number 1 last year and im not convinced he will be a good footballer as of yet and it has taken Roughhead some time to finally string some good games together aswell. Their are so many good and bad cases that come out of the draft, and a more recent one would be Nathan Foley. He was choosen in the Rookie Draft and leads the AFL in clearances this year and has a big chance of making the All Australian team even with his team sitting 16th on the ladder.
I draw postives from everything because im an optimistic person and in a season I'd much rather forget as a demons fan their has been postives that suggest we will bounce back next year. Young Ricky Pettard who almost died has started to train with the Dee's again even after he was ruled out for the rest of the year. I look foward to watching the development of players like Jones, McLean, Sylvia, Dunn, Bate, Pettard, Newton, Bell and some other young ones in the coming years and anxiously await that elusive cup that we havent been able to hold for so long.
Be postive and be Patient because good things come to those who wait i say
Melbourne fans just about every year have had to deal with opposition fans saying that all us fans are off to the snow, well as long as i have been supporting the dees anyway and i dont take any offence to it, I just choose to ignore it. Some people get kicks out of it and useally most the crap is thrown at pie fans

Delidio was a #1 draft pick and their have been some real dimonds in the rough even in the rookie draft like Dean Cox and Aaron Davey to name a couple. If you have a good enough scout you should be able to draft well regardless of where your picks are. Not always top 5 picks live up to their potential, Luke Livingston was pick 4 for Carlton years back and he didnt do anything and im just making one case of it. Gibbs was pick number 1 last year and im not convinced he will be a good footballer as of yet and it has taken Roughhead some time to finally string some good games together aswell. Their are so many good and bad cases that come out of the draft, and a more recent one would be Nathan Foley. He was choosen in the Rookie Draft and leads the AFL in clearances this year and has a big chance of making the All Australian team even with his team sitting 16th on the ladder.
I draw postives from everything because im an optimistic person and in a season I'd much rather forget as a demons fan their has been postives that suggest we will bounce back next year. Young Ricky Pettard who almost died has started to train with the Dee's again even after he was ruled out for the rest of the year. I look foward to watching the development of players like Jones, McLean, Sylvia, Dunn, Bate, Pettard, Newton, Bell and some other young ones in the coming years and anxiously await that elusive cup that we havent been able to hold for so long.
Be postive and be Patient because good things come to those who wait i say